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JKMS 28권 8호(2013년 8월호) 발간
  • 관리자
  • 2013.08.16
  • 조회수 : 6,844
Table of Contents Alert
Volume 28(8); August 2013
Medicine General & Social Medicine
Choosing the Target Journal: Do Authors Need a Comprehensive Approach?      
Gasparyan AY.
Global Trends in Medical Journal Publishing
Chi Y.
Original Articles
Occupation & Environmental Medicine
Associations between Cigarette Smoking and Total Mortality Differ Depending on Serum Concentrations of Persistent Organic Pollutants among the Elderly      
Lee YM, Bae SG, Lee SH, Jacobs DR, Lee DH.
Human Genetics & Genomics
Screening of Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase Genetic Variants by Direct Sequencing in Different Ethnic Groups      
Shin JG, Cheong HS, Kim JY, Kim LH, Han CS, Kim JO, Kim HD, Kim YH, Chung MW, Han SY, Shin HD.
Immunology, Allergic Disorders & Rheumatology
Tofacitinib Prevents Radiographic Progression in Rheumatoid Arthritis    
Kim JW, Choi IA, Lee EY, Song YW, Lee EB.
The Effects of Antihypertensive Drugs on Bone Mineral Density in Ovariectomized Mice      
Kang KY, Kang Y, Kim M, Kim Y, Yi H, Kim J, Jung HR, Park SH, Kim HY, Ju JH, Hong YS.
Serum Level of Interleukin-33 and Soluble ST2 and Their Association with Disease Activity in Patients with Behcet's Disease      
Kim DJ, Baek SY, Park MK, Park KS, Lee JH, Park SH, Kim HY, Kwok SK.
Oncology & Hematology
15-Hydroxyprostaglandin Dehydrogenase in Colorectal Mucosa as a Potential Biomarker for Predicting Colorectal Neoplasms      
Lee HJ, Yang DH, Ryu YM, Song M, Song HJ, Jung KW, Kim KJ, Ye BD, Byeon JS, Choi EK, Yang SK, Kim JH, Myung SJ.
Cardiovascular Disorders
An Integrative Model of the Cardiovascular System Coupling Heart Cellular Mechanics with Arterial Network Hemodynamics      
Kim YT, Lee JS, Youn CH, Choi JS, Shim EB.
Evaluation of Cardiovascular Anomalies in Patients with Asymptomatic Turner Syndrome Using Multidetector Computed Tomography      
Lee SH, Jung JM, Song MS, Choi SJ, Chung WY.
Risk Factors between Patients with Lone and Non-Lone Atrial Fibrillation      
Lee SH, Park SJ, Byeon K, On YK, Kim JS, Shin DG, Cho JG, Kim YN, Kim YH, KORAF Investigators.
Urinary Biomarkers for Early Detection of Recovery in Patients with Acute Kidney Injury      
Moon SJ, Park HB, Yoon SY, Lee SC.
Higher Prevalence of Klebsiella pneumoniae Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase in Patients on Renal Replacement Therapy      
Lee HL, Whang DH, Park DW, Lee YJ, Kim YH, Chin HJ, Kim S, Koo HS.
Incidence, Etiology, and Outcomes of Rhabdomyolysis in a Single Tertiary Referral Center      
Park JS, Seo MS, Gil HW, Yang JO, Lee EY, Hong SY.
Respiratory Diseases
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Pulmonary Hypertension Specific Therapy for Exercise Capacity in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease      
Park J, Song JH, Park DA, Lee JS, Lee SD, Oh YM.
Gastroenterology & Hepatology
The Model for End-Stage Liver Disease Score-Based System Predicts Short Term Mortality Better Than the Current Child-Turcotte-Pugh Score-Based Allocation System during Waiting for Deceased Liver Transplantation      
Hong G, Lee KW, Suh S, Yoo T, Kim H, Park MS, Choi Y, Yi NJ, Suh KS.
The Impact of Inosine Triphosphatase Variants on Hemoglobin Level and Sustained Virologic Response of Chronic Hepatitis C in Korean      
Kim JS, Ahn SM, Jung YK, Kwon OS, Kim YS, Choi DJ, Kim JH.
Optimal Duration of Medical Treatment in Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome in Children      
Shin MS, Kim JY.
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Intra-Amniotic Infection/Inflammation as a Risk Factor for Subsequent Ruptured Membranes after Clinically Indicated Amniocentesis in Preterm Labor      
Lee SY, Park KH, Jeong EH, Oh KJ, Ryu A, Kim A.
Interfractional Variation of Radiation Target and Adaptive Radiotherapy for Totally Resected Glioblastoma      
Kim TG, Lim DH.
Anesthesiology & Pain
Antinociceptive Effects of Amiloride and Benzamil in Neuropathic Pain Model Rats      
Jeong S, Lee SH, Kim YO, Yoon MH.
Case Reports
Infectious Diseases, Microbiology & Parasitology
Effectiveness of Mechanical Embolectomy for Septic Embolus in the Cerebral Artery Complicated with Infective Endocarditis
Kang G, Yang TK, Choi JH, Heo ST.
Oncology & Hematology
Imatinib Plasma Monitoring-Guided Dose Modification for Managing Imatinib-Related Toxicities in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Patients
Yoon S, Ryu MH, Yoo C, Beck MY, Ryoo BY, Kang YK.
Intramedullary Spinal Cord Metastasis in Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report of the Surgical Experience
Park J, Chung SW, Kim KT, Cho DC, Hwang JH, Sung JK, Lee D.
Emergency & Critical Care Medicine
Therapeutic Hypothermia Following Emergent Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting After Failed Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in a Comatose Post-Cardiac Arrest Patient
Choi SP, Wee JH, Park JH, Park KN, Hong SJ, Lee SH.
Erratum: Addition of a Co-Author
Moon S, Kwak W, Lee S, Kim W, Oh J, Youn SK.
게시판 글 목록
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