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JKMS 27권 8호(2012년 8월호) 발간
  • 관리자
  • 2012.08.06
  • 조회수 : 5,613
Table of Contents Alert
Volume 27(8); August 2012
Special Article
Korean Clinical Practice Guidelines: Otitis Media in Children       
Lee HJ, Park SK, Choi KY, Park SE, Chun YM, Kim KS, Park SN, Cho YS, Kim YJ, Kim HJ.
Original Articles
Basic Medical Sciences
Portable Document Format File Showing the Surface Models of Cadaver Whole Body      
Shin DS, Chung MS, Park JS, Park HS, Lee S, Moon YL, Jang HG.
Cell Therapy & Organ Transplantation
Isolation and Characterization of Chorionic Mesenchymal Stromal Cells from Human Full Term Placenta     
Koo BK, Park IY, Kim J, Kim JH, Kwon A, Kim M, Kim Y, Shin JC, Kim JH.
Cardiovascular Disorders
Factors Related to Prehospital Time Delay in Acute ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction     
Park YH, Kang GH, Song BG, Chun WJ, Lee JH, Hwang SY, Oh JH, Park K, Kim YD.
Abdominal Aortic Calcification is Associated with Diastolic Dysfunction, Mortality, and Nonfatal Cardiovascular Events in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients    
Yoon HE, Chung S, Whang HC, Shin YR, Hwang HS, Chung HW, Park CW, Yang CW, Kim YS, Shin SJ.
Endocrinology, Nutrition & Metabolism
Direct Medical Costs for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Related Complications: A Prospective Cohort Study Based on the Korean National Diabetes Program     
Kim TH, Chun KH, Kim HJ, Han SJ, Kim DJ, Kwak J, Kim YS, Woo JT, Park Y, Nam M, Baik SH, Ahn KJ, Lee KW.
Coexistence of Chronic Lymphocytic Thyroiditis with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma: Clinical Manifestation and Prognostic Outcome     
Jeong JS, Kim HK, Lee CR, Park S, Park JH, Kang SW, Jeong JJ, Nam KH, Chung WY, Park CS.
Preoperative Predictive Factors for Parathyroid Carcinoma in Patients with Primary Hyperparathyroidism     
Bae JH, Choi HJ, Lee Y, Moon MK, Park YJ, Shin CS, Park DJ, Jang HC, Kim SY, Kim SW.
Respiratory Diseases
Mycobacterial Pulmonary Infections in Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis     
Park SW, Song JW, Shim TS, Park MS, Lee HL, Uh ST, Park CS, Kim DS.
Comorbidities of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Koreans: A Population-Based Study     
Joo H, Park J, Lee SD, Oh YM.
Minor Criteria of Infectious Disease Society of America/American Thoracic Society for Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia Can Predict Delayed Treatment Response     
Park SY, Park S, Lee MG, Kim DG, Suh GY, Kim C, Lee CY, Park YB, Jung KS.
Incidence of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in Korea      
Choi CW, Kim BI, Kim EK, Song ES, Lee JJ.
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Prevalence and Seroprevalence of Low-Risk Human Papillomavirus in Korean Women     
Kim MA, Oh JK, Kim BW, Chay D, Park DC, Kim SM, Kang ES, Kim JH, Cho CH, Shin HR, Seo K.
Anesthesiology & Pain
Relationship between Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Working Life: A Korean Study      
Kang JE, Kim YC, Lee SC, Kim JH.
Emergency & Critical Care Medicine
Influences on Formation of Tetanus Antibody after Simultaneous Injection of Tetanus Immunoglobulin with Tetanus Vaccine     
Shin J, Kim J, Song K.
Risk Factors for Occurrence and 30-Day Mortality for Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Bacteremia in an Intensive Care Unit      
Kim SY, Jung JY, Kang YA, Lim JE, Kim EY, Lee SK, Park SC, Chung KS, Park BH, Kim YS, Kim SK, Chang J, Park MS.
Case Reports
Human Genetics & Genomics
Mosaic Ring Chromosome 6 in an Infant with Significant Patent Ductus Arteriosus and Multiple Congenital Anomalies
Lee SJ, Han DK, Cho HJ, Cho YK, Ma JS.
Infectious Diseases, Microbiology & Parasitology
Rupture of Right Hepatic Duct into Hydatid Cyst
Michalopoulos N, Laskou S, Papavramidis TS, Pliakos I, Kotidis E, Kesisoglou I, Papavramidis ST.
A Case of Elderly-Onset Crescentic Henoch-Schönlein Purpura Nephritis with Hypocomplementemia and Positive MPO-ANCA
Yu JH, Lee KB, Lee JE, Kim H, Kim K, Jang KS, Park MH.
The First Korean Case of Lysinuric Protein Intolerance: Presented with Short Stature and Increased Somnolence
Ko JM, Shin CH, Yang SW, Seong MW, Park SS, Song J.
Bromocriptine for Control of Hyperthermia in a Patient with Mixed Autonomic Hyperactivity after Neurosurgery: A Case Report
Kang SH, Kim MJ, Shin IY, Park DW, Sohn JW, Yoon YK.
Brief Communication
Infectious Diseases, Microbiology & Parasitology
Clinical Factors Associated with Hepatitis A Virus Seropositivity in HIV-Infected Adults Living in a Country with an Epidemiologic Shift for Hepatitis A Virus Infection
Baek JH, Kim CO, Park JY, Jeong SJ, Koo NS, Kim HW, Han SH, Choi JY, Song YG, Kim JM.
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